The Asia-Pacific Convention on Community Based Rehabilitation will be held on 13-15 November 2010 at BERJAYA TIMES SQUARE Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The theme of the Convention is Inclusive and Sustainable Development: Introducing New CBR Guidelines.
The purpose of the convention is to introduce the guideline which is a step by step guide to the implementation of CBR programme, to strengthen the delivery of CBR and the daily practice in the field of good evidence based practices. It aims to be a platform for networking and sharing of knowledge amongst CBR practitioners and policy makers.

Speakers, educators, organizations, CBR practitioners, individual locally, nationally and internationally would attend this conference and share their expertise in this field.
This event will create public awareness of Community Based Rehabilitation, highlight good practices for better collaboration, cooperation and implementation. Come join us.

For more information, please visit and register:


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is a registered NGO (0750-90-WKL). Registered on the 27th April 2009 under the name Persatuan Pusat Jaringan Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti Malaysia (Association of Community Based Rehabilitation Network Centre Malaysia). As of the 6th November 2009, our application to be known as "CBR NETWORK MALAYSIA" was officially accepted. Our Vision is to integrate Persons with Disabilities into society through employment, social, recreation and sustainable independent living. Our Mission: Concern, recognizing, realizing, emphasizing and convincing the community of the potentials of PWDs.