CBR Network Malaysia and Silverpark Resort had volunteers from CBR Network Parents’ Support Group, Malaysian Relief Agency (MRA), Al-Islam Specialist Hospital, Squad Prihatin ABIM and Muslim Aid. They were there for one main reason that is to get to know and provide service to the PWDs and the people of Frasers Hill.

There was a religious talk after the maghrib prayers, followed by a barbecue and a get-together and introduction of those present.

MRA Volunteers setup medical clinic at the activity room the next morning. Some volunteers took the opportunity to interact with the parents and children with disability.

In the afternoon there was an interview of potential young adults from the Community Based Rehabilitation Centres in the Raub District, who were interested to join the Decent Work Programme at Fraser’s Silverpark Resort.

CBR Network a partner of Malaysian relief Agency (MRA) was approached by Dr Ishak Mas’ud of Specialist Hospital Al Islam for candidates for I.E.S implant, a South Korean technology. Looking for candidates for the I.E.S implant was a challenge, even though it is offered free of charge.

Two candidates were selected for the implant; they were Ruqayyah binti Mohd Ritzuan and Siti Nuraihan binti Mokhtar. They went through a series of test to ensure that they were qualified to receive the implant. The main qualifier however, were their parents’ commitment before, during and therapy after the implant to ensure the success of the whole exercise.

The two candidates were operated by Dr. Jun Woo Kim from South Korea and assisted by Dr. Esa, on the 24th April 2010 at Al Islam Specialist Hospital. New candidates are now being interviewed and assessed for the next implant session. Only 3 suitable candidates will be recommended to have the I.E.S implant.

Special mention of those involved in the programme are: Malaysian Relief Agency, CBR Network Malaysia, Dr. Ishak Mas’ud, Specialist Hospital Al-Islam, Tabung Amanah Pesakit Malaysia, Mr. Eurokys Lee of MST-EZ-System donated 5 units of I.E.S , Dr. Esa Rejab coordinator of the project and Nordiana Ismail a consultant from Prohearing Audiolab System Sdn Bhd. All the parents and the candidates who are receiving the I.E.S. for their commitment.

CBR Network working with Malaysian Relief Agency held a volunteers training programme specifically for Persons with Visual Impairment . The volunteers were given insights to what were the implications of being visually impaired (blind / low vision).

The volunteers also had a session with Hafiz (Social Welfare Officer) and Kok Soon (Graduate with Degree in Education) who shared various aspects of do’s, don’ts and how to assist a person with visual impairment.
An interview by the District Social Welfare Officers was held for the PWDs at Fraser’s Silverpark Resort. This was to check on their eligibility for the Disability Allowance for working PWDs.
This incentive allowance is to assist the PWDs to sustain and maintain their job, thus be independent.

CBR Network’s assessment panellists, En. M Kassim from Special Education Division and Pn. Sariah Amirin President of Dyslexia Association were present to assess the trainees after their 1st Semester Break.

Pn Sariah comments: Work and supervision during work is generally good. There is a need to emphasize on “grooming”.
Comment by En M Kassim: He is satisfied with the trainees’ progress but they still need to work on their dependency on their parents and family.

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is a registered NGO (0750-90-WKL). Registered on the 27th April 2009 under the name Persatuan Pusat Jaringan Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti Malaysia (Association of Community Based Rehabilitation Network Centre Malaysia). As of the 6th November 2009, our application to be known as "CBR NETWORK MALAYSIA" was officially accepted. Our Vision is to integrate Persons with Disabilities into society through employment, social, recreation and sustainable independent living. Our Mission: Concern, recognizing, realizing, emphasizing and convincing the community of the potentials of PWDs.