CBR Network Malaysia and Silverpark Resort had volunteers from CBR Network Parents’ Support Group, Malaysian Relief Agency (MRA), Al-Islam Specialist Hospital, Squad Prihatin ABIM and Muslim Aid. They were there for one main reason that is to get to know and provide service to the PWDs and the people of Frasers Hill.

There was a religious talk after the maghrib prayers, followed by a barbecue and a get-together and introduction of those present.

MRA Volunteers setup medical clinic at the activity room the next morning. Some volunteers took the opportunity to interact with the parents and children with disability.

In the afternoon there was an interview of potential young adults from the Community Based Rehabilitation Centres in the Raub District, who were interested to join the Decent Work Programme at Fraser’s Silverpark Resort.


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is a registered NGO (0750-90-WKL). Registered on the 27th April 2009 under the name Persatuan Pusat Jaringan Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti Malaysia (Association of Community Based Rehabilitation Network Centre Malaysia). As of the 6th November 2009, our application to be known as "CBR NETWORK MALAYSIA" was officially accepted. Our Vision is to integrate Persons with Disabilities into society through employment, social, recreation and sustainable independent living. Our Mission: Concern, recognizing, realizing, emphasizing and convincing the community of the potentials of PWDs.