CBR Network working with Malaysian Relief Agency held a volunteers training programme specifically for Persons with Visual Impairment . The volunteers were given insights to what were the implications of being visually impaired (blind / low vision).

The volunteers also had a session with Hafiz (Social Welfare Officer) and Kok Soon (Graduate with Degree in Education) who shared various aspects of do’s, don’ts and how to assist a person with visual impairment.


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is a registered NGO (0750-90-WKL). Registered on the 27th April 2009 under the name Persatuan Pusat Jaringan Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti Malaysia (Association of Community Based Rehabilitation Network Centre Malaysia). As of the 6th November 2009, our application to be known as "CBR NETWORK MALAYSIA" was officially accepted. Our Vision is to integrate Persons with Disabilities into society through employment, social, recreation and sustainable independent living. Our Mission: Concern, recognizing, realizing, emphasizing and convincing the community of the potentials of PWDs.