Presentation by PWD trainees. Check them out..appreciate..
CBR Malaysia celebrated 25years of its inception with a National Convention on CBR, held at Berjaya Times Square Hotel from 5-7th February 2010. The pilot project was started in 1984 at Batu Rakit, Kuala Terengganu in collaboration with WHO, Social Welfare Department and Health Ministry.
The rehabilitation programme started with 55 Persons with Disability (PWD), after 25 years there are currently 409 CBR Centres throughout the country providing service to 17,000 PWDs.
The objectives of the Convention were:
• To enhance the existence of CBR as one of the main way to develop PWDs in Malaysia.
• To establish the direction of CBR with the community, as a catalyst to the rehabilitation and education of PWDs.
• To recognize that CBR as the focal point to prevent, rehabilitate and develop the PWDs.
The 2 days seminar covers the achievements; hopes and challenges; advocacy; community involvement; training and innovation towards professionalism; smart partnerships and sharing of the Indonesian CBR experience by Sunarman Sukanto, CBR Solo, Indonesia.
The highlight of the Convention was the Launching of the Convention by the Minister of Women’s Development, Family and Community and the Excellence CBR Awards 2009. The awards were given to the CBR Trainees, Workers of CBR, CBR Centres and also to the corporate partners.
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- CBR Network Malaysia
- is a registered NGO (0750-90-WKL). Registered on the 27th April 2009 under the name Persatuan Pusat Jaringan Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti Malaysia (Association of Community Based Rehabilitation Network Centre Malaysia). As of the 6th November 2009, our application to be known as "CBR NETWORK MALAYSIA" was officially accepted. Our Vision is to integrate Persons with Disabilities into society through employment, social, recreation and sustainable independent living. Our Mission: Concern, recognizing, realizing, emphasizing and convincing the community of the potentials of PWDs.