What can you find in Fraser’s Hill? Cool, refreshing weather, beautiful town, flowers, jungle treks and at Fraser’s Silverpark Resort, you can find the coolest Senior Resort Manager, En Abd Aziz bin Harun who had worked closely with CBR Network Malaysia to make “Decent Work Programme” happen.

En Abd Aziz Harun
Fraser's Silverpark Resort
Jalan Lady Maxwell,
49000 Fraser' Hill,
Pahang Darul Makmur,Malaysia
Tel : 609 - 362 2888
Fax : 609 - 362 2887
H/P : 017 - 6835 224

Suite 3-4 3rd Floor Wisma Bandar,
No.18 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman,
50100 Kuala Lumpur

Telephone : 03-26924781 Fax: 03-26984711
Email: azziz_silverpark@yahoo.com.my
Website: www.frasersilverpark.com

What does he has to say about the “Decent Work Programme”?

Q1. What made you agree to CBR Network's proposal to have the "Decent Work Programme" be carried out at Silverpark?
A1.What made me agree to CBR network’s proposal was to have new experience to work with them (PWD) as I've been told this programme is a pilot project by CBR Network and of course being chosen as the resort, made me proud of our resort.

Q2. What was running in your mind initially before these adult PWD came?
A2. Can we control them and how to control...that was in my mind.

Q3. What was your personal impression when you first met them?
A3. I've opened my heart for all of them and I think they are not as disable as I imagine...

Q4. What is your impression of them as trainees?
A4. They are just like my other normal staffs and to be honest they are more capable in giving helping hands.

Q5. After a month with Silverpark, do you think they are capable of doing the tasks given?
A5. Absolutely they can...just need to be guided.

CBR Network Malaysia, would like to thank the Management and Staff of Fraser’s Silverpark Resort for the opportunity to have our PWD adults, be trained and be a bigger part of the Fraser’s Silverpark Resort family.


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is a registered NGO (0750-90-WKL). Registered on the 27th April 2009 under the name Persatuan Pusat Jaringan Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti Malaysia (Association of Community Based Rehabilitation Network Centre Malaysia). As of the 6th November 2009, our application to be known as "CBR NETWORK MALAYSIA" was officially accepted. Our Vision is to integrate Persons with Disabilities into society through employment, social, recreation and sustainable independent living. Our Mission: Concern, recognizing, realizing, emphasizing and convincing the community of the potentials of PWDs.